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Waiting List
In order to be placed on the waiting list we must have received a refundable deposit of $200 . This initial payment of $200 will count towards the purchase price of your pup. Once you have selected your pup all money will be non refundable going forward.
If, at the time of selection you deem for whatever reason its not the right time for the a pup, then this money will be refunded no questions asked . All members on our waiting list will have 7 days to select their pick from the litter. After the 7th day we must move to the next member on the waiting list and your money will be refunded. Selections will occur at 3 weeks of age. If you would like to be placed on our waiting list please contact us via phone at 931-675-0878.
#1 Ryan Sweet
#2 Kathy Weber
#3 *Open
#8 *Open
#9 *Open
#10 *Open
#4 *Open
#5 *Open
#6 *Open
#7 *Open
#11 *Open
#13 *Open
#12 *Open
#14 *Open
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